Any help will be nice

On Thu, Sep 7, 2017 at 12:37 PM, Bhuvan Gupta <> wrote:

> Hello all,
>  I create a allMonit.html which have two iframe with src of two different
> monit http interface running on two different system
> allMonit.html structure
>     <iframe src = "http://firstserver:2812";></iframe>
>     <iframe src = "http://seconderver:2812";></iframe>
> Now when i open allMonit.html in chrome , i see two monit interfaces. GREAT
> Now if i try to let say "start a service" on one firstserver. I get
> invalid CSRF.
> Upon investigation i found that *without *iframe the http request
> contains a cookiee header like
> Cookie:
> securitytoken=6265d84a17c2715c7252c84d88a479cf
> Where as http request from iframe does not include cookie header.
> Upon further study, i found that since monit http response does not
> contain following header
> Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
> and hence browser will not transmit the cookie back to server.
> Now the question arises:
> *QUESTION: How to configure monit to add addition http header*
> Thanks
> *Bhuvan*
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