Hello Viktor,

the 'alert' action is implicit, the alert is send too even if you have 'exec' 
action => you can simplify the configuration:

  if status != 0 then alert
  if status != 0 then exec "/usr/local/sbin/monit-slack.sh 

simplified (exec sends alert as well):
  if status != 0 then exec "/usr/local/sbin/monit-slack.sh 

If you need to suppress the alert completely, you can do it in the service 
context this way:

        check program network_resolv with path 
"/usr/local/sbin/server-integrity.sh -c RES -r '3'" every 33 cycles
                if status != 0 then exec "/usr/local/sbin/monit-slack.sh 
                noalert myuser@mydomain

(we will clean the alert handling in the future - multiple coma separated 
actions will be possible and custom alert channels will be supported)

Best regards,

> On 17 Oct 2017, at 23:13, SZÉPE Viktor <vik...@szepe.net> wrote:
> Hello!
> I may seem a rookie but why am I getting an email on the execution of a Slack 
> script?
> check program network_resolv
>    with path "/usr/local/sbin/server-integrity.sh -c RES -r '3'" every 33 
> cycles
>   group integrity
>   if status != 0 then alert
>   if status != 0 then exec "/usr/local/sbin/monit-slack.sh 
> 'https://hooks.slack.com/services...'"
> All sources are available on GitHub: 
> https://github.com/szepeviktor/debian-server-tools/tree/master/monitoring/monit
> I've received a separate email with "Action: alert"
> Please advise.
> Thank you.
> ----- Forwarded message from r...@example.com -----
>   Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2017 21:04:31 GMT
>   From: r...@example.com
> Subject: monit alert --  Status failed network_resolv
>     To: ad...@szepe.net
> Status failed Service network_resolv
>       Date:        Tue, 17 Oct 2017 21:04:31
>       Action:      exec
>       Host:        www.example.com
>       Description: status failed (1) -- R:2001:4860:4860::8888 2
> Your faithful employee,
> Monit
> ----- End forwarded message -----
> SZÉPE Viktor, honlap üzemeltetés
> https://github.com/szepeviktor/debian-server-tools/blob/master/CV.md
> -- 
> +36-20-4242498  s...@szepe.net  skype: szepe.viktor
> Budapest, III. kerület
> -- 
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