
Monit regex is currently case sensitive ... if you want case insensitive, you 

1.) either rewrite the regex to case-insensitive, for example:

        IF MATCH 
"(?i)[bB][aA][nN][eE][dD][|L][bB][lL][aA][cC][kK][lL][iI][sS][tT]" THEN ALERT

2.) or modify the regcomp() flags in src/p.y addmatch() function to include 
REG_ICASE flag and recompile monit:

        regcomp(m->regex_comp, ms->match_string, 

Best regards,

> On 9 Jan 2018, at 10:21, Sebastian Arcus <s.ar...@open-t.co.uk> wrote:
> On 09/01/18 09:02, Tino Hendricks wrote:
>>  Not having the need nor tested it, but the manual states regex is used 
>> according to http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/regex.7.html
> Thank you. I read that page while trying to figure things out. There is one 
> reference to "case-independent matching", but nothing to indicate how to use 
> it or what is the syntax for it. Searching more widely on the internet on 
> other software using the same regex library leads me back to the (?i) inline 
> syntax - which Monit doesn't appear to accept.
>> Best
>> Tino
>> Am 8. Januar 2018 um 22:58:26, Sebastian Arcus 
>> (s.ar...@open-t.co.uk(mailto:s.ar...@open-t.co.uk)) schrieb:
>>> Hello list. I might be missing something really obvious, but is it
>>> possible to do case insensitive matching with regex's in Monit? There
>>> doesn't seem to be anything about it in the docs, and bizarrely nothing
>>> relevant when searching in Google (to do strictly with regex's in
>>> Monit). I've tried something like:
>>>  IF MATCH "(?i)banned|blacklist" THEN ALERT
>>>  or
>>>  IF MATCH "/banned|blacklist/?i" THEN ALERT
>>>  Monit doesn't seem to like either. I've tried various ways suggested
>>> online for Javascript, Python etc. regular expressions - but so far I
>>> haven't been able to figure the right syntax. Any hints please?
>>>  --
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