Hello Victor,
I don't know the reason, the command will not executed.
But it seems to me the used monit is an old version.

>> check program ntp-status with path /opt/vsd/sysmon/ntpStatus.sh
>>     if status != 0 then exec /usr/local/monit/scripts/snowfail
>>         else if succeeded then exec /usr/local/monit/
>> scripts/snowsuccess
>>     group check

Based on monit version 5.21.0 and 5.25.2 your sample should work.

> I also tested it manually and the status is 0 if it succeeded and 1 if
> failed:
> Program 'ntp-status'                Status failed
> Process 'mysql'                     Running
> Program 'mysql-status'              Status ok

This is an old monit version.

No idea what's going wrong,

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