The error from Monit:

[EDT Apr 9 12:40:45] error : 'pgbouncer' failed protocol test [PGSQL] at
[]:6432 [TCP/IP] -- PGSQL: error receiving data -- Resource
temporarily unavailable

This happened while the system was under higher-than-normal load (nginx was
handling about 330 requests/second vs. 90).

My question, what would cause this, how do I troubleshoot it, and what
might fix this?

Monit has done this before on this machine with other processes.

Here is the config:

check process pgbouncer with pidfile /var/run/postgresql/
start program = "/etc/init.d/pgbouncer start"
stop  program = "/etc/init.d/pgbouncer stop"
if failed host port 6432 protocol pgsql then restart

Thank you!

I appreciate & respect your time. I am very keen to solve this, whatever is


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