
it comes from the "tx_errors" statistics, see here for more details:

Best regards,

> On 25. 5. 2022, at 22:07, lejeczek via This is the general mailing list for 
> monit <monit-general@nongnu.org> wrote:
> Hi guys.
> I have something which I think I can say is peculiar & weird.
> I monitor a net link, wireguard interface to be specific, about which 'monit' 
> is not happy.
> I see:
> ...
> 'wg0' 8 upload errors detected
> 'wg0' trying to restart
> 'wg0' stop: '/usr/bin/systemctl stop wg-quick@wg0.service'
> 'wg0' start: '/usr/bin/systemctl start wg-quick@wg0.service'
> 'wg0' download errors check succeeded
> ...
> What are the errors 'monit' reports?
> I watch the link and and link stays up, nothing seems wrong with it except 
> 'monit' sees it as "failed"
> In monit confg i have regular stuff I believe:
> check network wg0 with interface wg0
>   start program = "/usr/bin/systemctl start wg-quick@wg0.service"
>   stop program  = "/usr/bin/systemctl stop wg-quick@wg0.service"
>   if failed link then alert
>   if 3 restarts within 20 cycles then unmonitor
> What makes it weird - aside the fact that I cannot see link is down - is the 
> fact that this wg0 link connects to two hosts which are too watched by 
> 'monit', their wg0 ifaces naturally, and there on both those hosts monit is 
> happy, no action needed.
> all suggestion on how to troubleshoot this are very welcomed.
> thanks, L.

  • link upload errors... lejeczek via This is the general mailing list for monit
    • Re: link uplo... mart...@tildeslash.com

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