Greetings. I'm using monit to check a device on my local lan to ensure it's responsive. This is what I was previously using:

   check host resolver2 address
   every 5 cycles
   if failed ping4
   then exec /usr/local/bin/pushover
   repeat every 2 cycles

At random in the middle of the night, I'd occasionally get an alert that ping failed. Device was up and responsive. Modified it to:

   check host resolver2 address
   every 5 cycles
   if failed ping4 count 5 timeout 5 seconds
   then exec /usr/local/bin/pushover
   repeat every 2 cycles

Which seemed to work for a while, but the failures returned. So modified it to this:

   check host resolver2 address
   every 5 cycles
   if failed ping4 count 5 responsetime 200 milliseconds timeout 10 seconds
   then exec /usr/local/bin/pushover
   repeat every 2 cycles

However, this causes an immediate failure with 'Speed failed'. I increased responsetime to 1 second, same. Increased to 10 seconds, same. The specific error logged is

   NovĀ  5 09:52:45 ntpviz monit[676]: 'resolver2' response time 6.173 ms
   doesn't match limit [time = 10 s]

I may be misunderstanding the difference - or the interaction - between responsetime and timeout. The device is just a raspberry pi zero, with a typical responsetime under 10ms, and never under appreciable load.

The manual states

   The RESPONSETIME parameter sets the response time limit

Is that the response time limit for any given ping, or if for example I use a count of five, is it the time limit for all five attempts accumulated? Even if it were the latter, since the device is reachable in under 10ms, a count of five - assuming 1 second between each ping sent (is that a correct assumption, or are they sent without pause?) - would still complete in well under 10 seconds.

For reference, here's the results of a 60 second ping from the monit server to the device:

   root@ntpVIZ: /etc/monit/conf.d # ping -c 60
   PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
   --- ping statistics ---
   60 packets transmitted, 60 received, 0% packet loss, time 59094ms
   rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 2.342/6.376/13.879/2.335 ms

Thanks for any insight.

Paul Theodoropoulos
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