Based on the source code of Mono's System.Web.Handlers.AssemblyResourceLoader I think that the implementation is flawed.

I am going to describe the problem, but I think that you should file a bug report.

Although it is using a hashing algorithm that always results in the same hash for the same script resource, hashes are not generated and stored in the dictionaries unless a link is generated, thus a resource is not available until a link to it was generated by the same AppDomain before.

As such even AppDomain restarts can trigger the problem, although a simple refresh on the page fixes it by generating hashes for the web resources that subsequently can be retrieved from the server, provided that there is only one AppDomain (one process, one server) serving the requests.

As I see at least the assembly name should be included in the query string, resource hashes can be regenerated based on WebResourceAttributes of the assembly.

To prevent loading arbitrary assemblies, the assembly name should be encrypted using the machine key and also should be signed using HMAC to avoid padding oracle vulnerability similar to CVE-2010-3332 that the MS implementation had (encrypted view state, forms authentication cookie, and WebResource.axd were all affected).


On 1/2/2013 12:34 PM, Ovidiu Deac wrote:
I'm running nginx which does load balancing over several instances of

Apparently when a webresource link is handled by a different
fastcgi-mono-server than the one which originally produced the link it
returns a 404 error.

I have set a persistent machinekey as recommended for webfarms but the
problem still remains.

Any idea what else could be wrong?

If it makes any difference: the application is written with
F#/WebSharper and we disabled the session state and the forms


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