Summary: When a web method returns DataTable the method generated
                    in proxy class returns DataSet.
           Product: Mono: Class Libraries
           Version: SVN
          Platform: Other
        OS/Version: Other
            Status: NEW
          Severity: Normal
          Priority: P5 - None
         Component: Sys.XML
        AssignedTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        ReportedBy: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                CC: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
          Found By: Development

Description of Problem:
When a web method returns DataTable the method generated in proxy class returns

Steps to reproduce the problem:
1. Create WebService 
2. Add webmethod that returns DataTable
3. Create console client
4. Add web reference to the web service

Actual Results:
The webmethod generated in proxy class returns DataSet.

Expected Results:
The webmethod generated in proxy class should return DataTable.

How often does this happen? 
Every time.

Additional Information:

I did a fix for this bug that contains a correction of the methods
DataTable.GetDataTableSchema and DataSet.GetDataSetSchema and changes in 
XmlSchemaExporter so that it will use the schema type returned by these

But it caused that calling of XmlSchemas.Find method more than one time throws
the follow exception:

System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaException: XmlSchema error: Multiple specification
of ##any was found. Related schema item SourceUri: , Line 0, Position 0.

The attached file contains an illustration of this failure.

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