--- Comment #1 from Johan Otto <> 2010-10-04 01:08:37 
UTC ---
This error also pops up...

Error 134: mtouch failed with the following message:
/var/folders/MN/MN8cu6MVHUS7OYsCD2CED++++TI/-Tmp-/tmp196ea903.tmp/main.m: In
function 'main':
warning: implicit declaration of function 'mini_get_debug_options'
warning: implicit declaration of function 'mono_debugger_agent_parse_options'

  at (wrapper managed-to-native)
System.Diagnostics.Process.WaitForExit_internal (intptr,int) <0x00004>
  at (wrapper managed-to-native)
System.Diagnostics.Process.WaitForExit_internal (intptr,int) <0x00004>
  at System.Diagnostics.Process.WaitForExit (int) <0x0025b>
  at System.Diagnostics.Process.WaitForExit () <0x00012>
  at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check)
System.Diagnostics.Process.WaitForExit () <0x00053>
  at MTouch.RunCommand (string,string,string[]) <0x00130>
  at MTouch.RunCommand (string,string) <0x00015>
  at MTouch.CompileToNative (string,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<string>)
  at MTouch.Main (string[]) <0x04281>
  at (wrapper runtime-invoke) <Module>.runtime_invoke_int_object
(object,intptr,intptr,intptr) <0x00043>

Native stacktrace:

    0   mtouch                              0x000cac1c 0x0 + 830492
    1   mtouch                              0x00121ce6 0x0 + 1187046
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                   0x95e941fb _sigtramp + 43
    3   ???                                 0xffffffff 0x0 + 4294967295
    4   mtouch                              0x0023f33a 0x0 + 2356026
    5   mtouch                              0x00234bb7 0x0 + 2313143
    6   mtouch                              0x0024b650 0x0 + 2405968
    7   mtouch                              0x001d8b8a 0x0 + 1936266
    8   ???                                 0x026804ea 0x0 + 40371434
    9   ???                                 0x02680404 0x0 + 40371204
    10  ???                                 0x02680193 0x0 + 40370579
    11  ???                                 0x0268014c 0x0 + 40370508
    12  ???                                 0x02684a21 0x0 + 40389153
    13  ???                                 0x026848de 0x0 + 40388830
    14  ???                                 0x02683a34 0x0 + 40385076
    15  ???                                 0x01e2975a 0x0 + 31627098
    16  ???                                 0x01e2acbc 0x0 + 31632572
    17  mtouch                              0x0001766e 0x0 + 95854
    18  mtouch                              0x001d058d 0x0 + 1901965
    19  mtouch                              0x001d2290 0x0 + 1909392
    20  mtouch                              0x001d1ba5 0x0 + 1907621
    21  mtouch                              0x000a0c97 0x0 + 658583
    22  mtouch                              0x000a0ece 0x0 + 659150
    23  mtouch                              0x000a2d91 0x0 + 667025
    24  mtouch                              0x00001de1 0x0 + 7649
    25  mtouch                              0x000017e9 0x0 + 6121

Debug info from gdb:

/tmp/mono-gdb-commands.QlSwjN:1: Error in sourced command file:
Unable to attach to process-id 18371: No child processes (10)
collect2: ld terminated with signal 11 [Segmentation fault]
 (134) (JustEnough)

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