Todd Berman wrote:
On Tue, 2005-03-15 at 03:08 +0100, Willibald Krenn wrote:

In short, I'm still willing to take the task of doing some open source Delphi/Chrome/whatever compiler, but only if we have backing of Miguel. Otherwise this would be wasted time, as it seems that 'alia iacta erat' long before in the past. And no one told the mono community about it - or did you post any Chrome news on this list over the last few months? I can not remember a single post. If mono is that important for you, I guess you should have - not everyone on this list knows all the things Miguel knows or has decided..

I have no interest in either pascal, delphi, or any of this, but for
what it is worth the Chrome guys have been around for a while. They have
spoken to me about MonoDevelop integration, and have posted many times
on this mailing list. One of the guys hangs out in #mono very frequently
too, so as far as 'not telling the mono community', I don't think that
is accurate in the least.


This is quite interesting. I've gone back and searched my archive of the list looking for references to Chrome, Pascal, Delphi, etc.

While I found several people asking if there was support for Pascal or if it was planned, there was not a single message about compatible, existing solutions. Not commercial, open source, or even vaporware.

This doesn't mean that it didn't happen, my archive isn't all that old.

And to paraphrase Todd:

I have no interest in any Proprietary, Closed Source, Compiler technology. Closed Source without cost is just another way of promoting product lock-in, while giving warm-fuzzies to those who only look at the superficial level.

Oh well, I'll stop my rant now.

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