El dt 15 de 03 del 2005 a les 14:22 +0000, en/na Paul va escriure:
> Hi,
> I've been hacking around on font.c to see if I can get libgdiplus to
> compile against the latest gcc4 release in Fedora rawhide.
> There is a problem with signedness of arguments being passed in. To see
> if I can get around this, I explicitly cast the arguments in font.c line
> 283 to be (unsigned char*) [this should not be required]. While this
> removed the strcmp warnings, it did show a problem that strlen is also
> being called incorrectly. This is now a gcc error rather than a source
> error.
> To that end, I've entered it the Redhat bugzilla
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/beta/show_bug.cgi?id=151152
> Hopefully, this will be sorted quickly...


Please fill a bug into bugzilla.ximian.com and assign it to me. I'll
look into that as soon as possible. 


Jordi Mas i Hernāndez - Mono development team - http://www.mono-project.com
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