
 Some comments about the patch:
- The TLS stuff is ok and it can be checked in.
- I think the patch should follow the existing mono coding conventions, ie.
  no pascal-casing, space before and after /* */, before-and after
operators etc.

I'll try to review the more important parts of the patch just haven't
got the time to
do it yet. Also, Paolo needs to review it too before a patch this big
can be checked


On Fri, 11 Mar 2005 19:38:10 +0100, Willibald Krenn
> Hi!
> Before explaining the attached patch and how I think it should be
> handled (due to the size this is not easy), let me say a few words about
> my work for the mono community in general..
> The last few months were some very interesting and teaching time: I've
> never worked in such a big open source project before and I've never
> done that much C programming (not to speak of C programming under Linux)
> as during this time. The Mono JIT has quite a steep learning curve - if
> you consider the developer's side of things - which I honestly
> underestimated. Mono also has some quite unique svn module/file layout,
> if you are used to object oriented programming.
> However, I learned over the last few months that the lead programmers
> behind mono (and the JIT in particular) do have a very deep
> understanding of the source and all problems surrounding it:
> Paolo, Zoltan (I hope you talk more than you write), Massi and Ben - you
> have my deepest respect! Not to forget Miguel who was so brave to give
> me a writable svn account...
> If you think this sounds like 'good-bye', then you are partly correct: I
> did this work as master thesis and as my personal dead-line is in a few
> weeks from now (and I still have to write the thesis), I probably won't
> be as much involved in the development of Mono as now. (Even if I wished
> to be..)
> Regardeless, I'll help spreading the mono spirit whereever I can :-)
> Back to the attached patch: Mainly it's the foundations of the
> continuous optimization framework plus the fast TLS patch for AMD64 I
> already published earlier on this list. The unbox trampoline patch was
> kinda necessary for the changes made for COF. (AOT is working here..)
> Mods to the default runtime behaviour:
>   - inlined unbox trampolines on AMD64
>         the add $0x10, %rdi/rsi gets emitted right before the normal
>         method start; (The JitInfo->code_start does _not_ point to the
>         unbox operation!)
>   - codeman.c on AMD64:
>         Align code to 16 byte windows. (Matches the Athlon64 / Opteron
>         code fetch window.)
>   - changes to virtual method prolog/epilog on AMD64:
>         Instead of push/pop this patch emits move operations that are
>         up to 4 times faster (push push -> mov mov). Unfortunately
>         (Sorry Ben!), one move is 5 bytes... However, I think speeding
>         up virtual methods is not so bad, since the call is costlier.
>         (And AMD64 has plenty of address space.)
>   - MonoMethod structure
>         I need a bit there to indicate non-movable methods; The current
>         solution is a bad hack - maybe I can get a bit in some other
>         bitfield? (So the overall alignment is preserved..)
> Mods to the runtime behaviour if continuous optimization is enabled (all
> AMD64 only):
>   - Pretty much all calls go over a function pointer table (FPT):
>         This means additionally allocated memory (2 sizeof(gpointer) per
>         method) but has the pro of almost constant time MonoJitInfo
>         lookup if a valid stack frame and the domain is known.
>         Additionally to the FPT, there is a hash table that translates
>         VMT slots to offsets. (So calls over VMT are not slowed down!)
>   - MonoJitInfo is extended by 64 bits (carrying sampling profiler
>         information)
>   - Additionally running threads (3)
>   - Hot methods get recompiled with all possible optimizations turned on:
>         The new version of the method replaces the old one. Additionally
>         the old method gets invalidated.
>   - SIGUSR2 taken
>         This signal is used to highjack running threads and do stack
>         walks inside the thread before invalidating an old method.
>   - Debug output on screen:
>         Prints out the recompiled and patched methods. Additionally
>         it also prints out if an old method could be invalidated.
>   - Virtual methods store 'this' pointer on stack (one below rbp):
>         Due to the transition to moves (instead of pushes), this should
>         not cause any slowdown. Note that this change enables for fast
>         non-locked MonoJitInfo lookups. (Only a hash table lookup is
>         necessary for methods called over VMT..)
>   - TODO:
>         Add tons of optimizations! The framework is basically there, so
>         you can add all sorts of optimizations. (Even very costly ones.)
> One feature I probably will implement in the remaining time is caching
> of recompiled methods. (Not the same as in AOT.C, as this code
> precompiles whole assemblies.)
> If you want to apply the attached patch, uncompress it and copy the
> mono-funcptrtable files to the utils directory (where codeman etc is
> located), then decompress the contopt tar gz inside the mini directory
> and finally apply the diff to the mono (top level) module. On AMD64 you
> then can enable continuous optimization with --with-contopt=yes on
> configure run. Of course this is still kinda experimental code, but it
> should work nevertheless.
> If this patch is allowed to go into svn, I'll be happy to update and
> improve the code in future.
> Thanks for all your patience and understanding,
>    Willibald Krenn
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