Alex Chudnovsky wrote:
Is this referring to .NET's code (dlls and exe's) or .exe and .dll generated by Visual Studio from your own source code?
Either way I can't see this standing in court and therefore not enforcible: EULAs state many things, but it does not mean they all legit.

Intuitively, I would think usage of a 3rd party JIT constitutes "fair use" of Microsoft's DLL's. A more interesting question is whether a 3rd party tool can compile and "statically link" Microsoft's DLL's, which is a feature advertised by many obfuscators such as these:

I asked the RemoteSoft guy about this, and he said: "About whether linker tool violates EULA, I asked MS, they didn't give a firm anwser, but saying not unlikely to go after us and our customers." (I'm assuming the "not unlikely" [sic] is the emphatic double-negative, not the logical double-negative. :-) )

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