First of all,

Separate your Javascript on a .js file that you include, and generate
your menus from embedded or on-demand xml data. 315KB for a page is
surely not a good design.


On 5/11/05, Hubert FONGARNAND <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm currently working on an intranet project. We want to develop it as a
> cross-platform project. It would be useful that it could run under MS.NET or
> Mono...
> I'm working with the svn version of mono
> I've seen that mono (xsp) is very slow when rendering (relative) big html rich
> content. My Accueil.aspx pages is about 315Ko... It contains many javascript
> for generating menus dynamically.
> On MS.NET, the page takes 3sec (the first time) to be rendered, and about
> 500ms (the second time)
> On Mono it takes about 12sec everytime. when rendering the xsp process takes
> about 100% of my cpu :
> Is there a way to do some profiling in order to know wich method takes the
> more time?
> When I run mono --verbose xsp.exe I see that xsp is waiting most of time... is
> it normal?
> Thanks in advance...
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