
With related to XSLT standalone tests, I talked with Andrew and Ben,
and we think about having separate "standalone_tests" module, since
those tests are likely to increate mono's tarball size extraneously
when we just put them inside mcs module.

Things we should note are:

        - In this module we are likely to check all the
          dependencies into svn (e.g. OASIS XSLT test archive
          itself, the test result output archives, and so on)

        - We are not moving everything right now.

        - For every standalone tests it should not break existing
          standalone tests, including our daily-basis tests and
          buildbot tests (if any, I don't think we have such
          ones though). For example decent standalone tests might
          not premise that tested assemblies are in GAC.

        - If required, when running daily tests or auto build,
          I think we can add some lines to those scripts to
          checkout those standalone module(s) in a certain
          directory (e.g. sys.xml/Test/sys.xml.xsl/standalone_tests)
          and run tests as well as we do now.

If this plan does not sound bad, I'll first svn move xml related
standalone tests to there e.g. "standalone_tests/System.Xml.Xsl".

I appreciate your comments.

Atsushi Eno
Mono-devel-list mailing list

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