That's even worse. We don't want to ship it in our mono-*.tar.gz.

Atsushi Eno

Yaacov Akiba Slama wrote:

The testsuite from w3c is "only" 675KB if packaged as a tar.bz2 (instead
of 1.5 MB for the zip).

A solution would be to add the tar.bz2 to the source tree.

What do you think ?


Atsushi Eno wrote:

No massive download for everyone who just want to test sys.xml.

Atsushi Eno

Andrew Skiba wrote:


Atsushi Eno wrote:

The core of what I really dislike about the proposal is that
it is said as "policy". If it is something like "guideline",
and replacing "must" with "should", "forbidden" with
"discouraged" or "not recommended", then yes it would be OK.

If you agree with me, then you don't have to read it anymore.

Let's make things simple - I want to run the W3C testsuite when one
makes "make run-test" from the class/System.XML dir.

Is it OK for you and Ben?


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