
> I can build ok with the source tarballs (./configure, make, etc...) but 
> lately I've been trying to run bootstrap on the latest from svn to add 
> optional packages to the make and consistently have problems with variable 
> not defined errors.  The latest is from gtk-sharp.  The variable it's 
> looking for is VTE_LIBS. I have a folder /usr/lib/libvte4 which I assume is 
> what it's supposed to be set to.

It'll also be looking for the headers. Did you compile vte from source
or as a pre-packaged app? If it was pre-packaged, you need the -devel
part as well.

cd into the gtk-sharp directory, make distclean, ./bootstrap[-2.4]
--prefix=[prefix], make, su, make install

The -2.4 is if you're using mono built from svn and have the preview vsn
2 option set on it.


"The city of Washington was built on a stagnant swamp some 200 years ago
and very little has changed; it stank then and it stinks now. Only
today, it is the fetid stench of corruption that hangs in the air" -
Simpson, L. Mr Lisa Goes to Washington (1991) Fox. 8F01 (Sep).

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