
On 7/27/05, Miguel de Icaza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello Ben,
> > > > Am somewhat confused as to why people are even able to get past the
> > > > configure stage, seeing as we have:
> > > >
> > > > PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GECKO_SHARP, gecko-sharp = 0.6)
> >
> > One thing that might be an issue is that I wasn't able to find a tarball
> > of gecko-sharp 0.6 anywhere on the Mono sites, and it's not even tagged
> > in SVN. I had to end up getting a 0.6 tarball from the Debian archives.
> > It would be good to store the tarball and link to it from somewhere so
> > long as it's being used by other packages.
> Ben, where would this tarball be?
> >
I'm not Ben but there is a tarball here:

The only problem I found there is that gecko-sharp.dll.config was
lacking a map to libgtkmozembed, something like:
<dllmap dll="gtkembedmoz" target="/usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/libgtkembedmoz.so"/>
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