Any update on those patches? The incompatible version numbers prevents
using MS.NET bootstraped compiler on mono, so it would be nice to make
mono more up to date.

Kornel, I could help in creating the patch. 

05-07-29, Kornél Pál <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> napisał(a):
> > Disk space is cheap. I can get disk space for under $0.50 per Gigabyte.
> > If you want to measure performance gains, they have to be in terms of
> > time (reducing the number of pages read from disk: ie, show that you
> > save at least 1 page from being read from the disk) or memory (show that
> > you save at least one page of memory from being allocated due to mallocs
> > that you save or from being kept paged in by the OS).
> I belive that altough we could add some random rubbish to compiled files
> like VB6 compiler does it's better not to include any unnecessary data in
> files. The point of view hardware is cheap is not good I think. Users could
> buy faster CPU and more RAM as well altough it is more expensive than HDD.
> Saying we don't care about HDD is the same as Microsoft does and their
> operating system is expanding without limits.:)
> >>From Kornel:
> >> BTW what about the patch?
> >
> > I'd still like to kill all the #if NET_1_1 crap in the files and use
> > MonoConsts.FxVersion or something. It will save us pain in the future.
> In this case I would like to do some more AssemblyInfo.cs centralization
> (movig common attributes to a common file and using a common set of
> attributes in all the assemblies with MS.NET attributes in mind of course)
> and cleanup because AssemblyInfo.cs files are a bit anarchistic currently.
> And adding AssemblyFileVersion attributes to all of the assemblies with the
> version you currently emit to the common MonoVersion.cs. And emit a contant
> instead of AssemblyVersion attribute that can be used in a common file.
> Is it OK? (I mean on OK that in addition that it meats your/our plans on
> Mono it will be approved if the patch is correct, without saying that we
> want to wait until next millenium or 101 other patches should be committed
> before that one. Because I don't like to waste time on patches that will not
> be approved in a resonable time.)
> Kornél
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