
I've attached logs for version mono-, the older look simmilar. I'm working on the automated sending of such logs,


Raja R Harinath wrote:


Tomas Kalibera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

there is a new problem with compilation of daily packages, the mcs
compiler mcs.exe cannot be compiled, error messages are below. This
problem started on the daily package from September 22nd and remains
till now (version from October 2nd). Because of this problem I could not
check the Wade Berrier's patch for building Firebird support.


mcs   -d:NET_1_1 -d:ONLY_1_1 -d:BOOTSTRAP_WITH_OLDLIB -debug -target:exe
-out:mcs.exe cs-parser.cs  @mcs.exe.sources
make[7]: mcs: Command not found
make[7]: *** [../class/lib/basic/mcs.exe] Error 127


Can you send a complete log?  The build may have been fixed by my recent
changes, but if the failure persists, I'll need a log.

BTW, are the daily packages being checked if they're buildable ?

I believe so -- I think they go through 'make distcheck' (Ritvik will be
better able to answer).

Would it help if I send automatically a make output whenever the build
fails ? Where should I send it, then ?

It sure would help.  For now, I think you can send it to me and Ritvik.

- Hari

Attachment: make.out.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

Attachment: configure.out.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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