Hi all,
is there standard way of C++ string marshaling. I'm trying to write
wrapper of the C++ library in C#. And what is the best recommended
way to do such wrapping in Mono if I have library in C++?
Is it better to export everything as the C structures + functions with
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport ) or classes are also supported quite well?
(the final code should be clean and easy readable and portable of course).
What is Is it better to use StdCall or Cdecl? I started with Cdecl but later
did not manage to make callback work wit Cdecl here:
typedef void (__stdcall *LogHandler) ( const char *message);
static LogHandler log_handler = 0;
I plan to make all interface C++ / C# code to be generatable, could you please
point me for some some good recommented examples of using SWIG or
similar library for such C# <=> C++ interops which are implemented?
Thanks in advance,
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