Alejandro Serrano escribió:

Some comments:

    - You can try standalone dll build by : make PROFILE=net_2_0.
      On windows it would also work:
      make PROFILE=net_2_0 CSCOMPILE=csc

    - We have our own coding styles.
      If you want I can make all changes for your sources (but
      you will have to merge things by yourself to sync to the
      repositry unless you have exactly no changes in your
      local disk).

    - AssemblyInfo.cs would better be moved to
      System.Query/Assembly directory.
      Also, System.Query/System.Query/Sequence/*.cs files would
      better be merged into System.Qyery/System.Query/*.cs

I'll make the changes by myself and post them again to the list.

I attach another .tar.gz file with the required changes. The Sequence/* files have been moved by preceeding it with Sequence* (I mean System.Query/System.Query/Sequence/Set.cs is now System.Query/System.Query/SequenceSet.cs

Attachment: System.Query.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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