There doesn.t seem to be an ASP-on-mono or webforms list at, so I.m sending this to the devel list 
(to which I was already subscribed).  Please redirect me if there.s a more 
appropriate place to ask the question.


I.m running mono 1.1.10 w/ Apache 2 and mod_mono.  When I try to directly 
access a .cs file contained in that directory, I get a 403, which is what I 
expect.  I want to turn that behavior off for a particular subdirectory in that 
tree, though (an examples directory).  Adding an .htaccess in that directory 
with .RemoveHandler .cs. didn.t work.  I put some syntax errors in that 
.htaccess file and still got the 403 (rather than an expected 500), so my guess 
is that mod_mono is handling everything below that directory and Apache never 
sees the .htaccess.  So, how do I either get that directory back into Apache.s 
hands, or alternatively, tell mod_mono to serve .cs files from that directory?


Here.s my Apache configuration:

        MonoRunXSP True


        MonoAutoApplication enabled


        <IfModule !mod_mono.c>

                LoadModule mono_module modules/



        <IfModule mod_mime.c>

                AddHandler mono .aspx .ashx .asmx .ascx .asax .config .ascx



        AddMonoApplications default 

        <Location /monosite>

                SetHandler mono




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