On Thu, 2006-01-26 at 16:17 +0200, Christopher Bergström wrote:
> I'm developing a web app and in the process I've noticed that we are 
> implementing most of the features needed, but sometimes allowing 
> configurations which don't work and don't produce an error and or are 
> not compatible with other implementations.
> #1 We should test for multiple web.config.  NTFS and FAT are case 
> insensitive and thus don't allow for Web.Config and web.config, but EXT3 
> and friends does.  Could this be as easy as looping through the 
> directories, lowercasing everything and then where the count is more 
> than 1 per directory give an error?

The 1.x configuration code checks for web.config first and, if not
found, it tries Web.config. Of course, with NTFS you could have
wEB.cONfig and it would work, but we just test for the 2 most common

We'll be waiting for the bug reports next week. Seems like you already
have a test case for all of them...



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