> What would be the top feature you would like to see in Mono?
What I would like to see, is a nice way of interoping from a native C++ program into Mono.
In the microsoft world, this is solved by using C++/CLI which allows the developer to create mixed-mode assemblies.
From what I understand, the way to solve this in the mono world is to pass the c++ code a delegate (function pointer).  It works, but it requires a lot more modifications to the source code for me to do this.  
In the mono world, perhaps a solution would be a native-code API that allows streamlined access to managed functions.      
If you mono devs have some interest in pursuing this 'wish' please let me know and I can supply you with a detailed scenario.
Disclaimer:  I have not yet used mono, as the issue I am about to outline is currently a roadblock for my project.  (Though I have plans for the future obviously, or i would not be subscribed to this mailing list)
Thank you very much,

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