Joachim Ante wrote:

What i'd like to see in mono is the ability to start up an application
without it needing a .WAPI folder. I understand why mono needs the wapi
folder, but i'm sure there are application for which one wouldn't need one
at all.
Yeah that would really useful.
For that, try using MONO_DISABLE_SHM=1 on your environment
As far as i can see this environment variable doesn't exist anymore. Is
there another way to disable wapi?

No, there isn't.

Indeed, it would be nice to have a .wapi-less config or at
least to make the current implementation setuid(2) safe.

This means that all shm ops have to be configurable, unless
there is a way to make them working with setuid, which doesn't
work in all Linux kernel versions, AFAIK.


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