I committed the patch. Note according to my test result this implementation
is about three times faster than the previous one so I consider it to be
obvious improvement. Of course this only affects ByteEncoding.GetString()
but other encodings were not using StringBuilder so they are faster altough
they could be improved using unsafe code but that requires some
infrastructural changes in I18N.

No, you didn't post anything about the perf. result *after* the
change to remove improper reflection stuff.

For the referenced bug:

When calling for example MethodInfo.Invoke or Delegate.CreateDelegate without ReflectionPermissionFlag.MemberAccess permission MethodAccessException has to be thrown. But I don't think that this is a mysterious bug. This behaviour is documented on MSDN and if you search for MethodAccessException you will find the methods that throw MethodAccessException with the description when they trow it.

Well, I know. Otherwise it is too weird that I mentioned that
bug here.

Atsushi Eno
Mono-devel-list mailing list

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