El ds 21 de 10 del 2006 a les 22:33 -0400, en/na joel reed va escriure:
> Here's an implementation of
> System.Workflow.Runtime.Configuration.WorkflowRuntimeSection
> System.Workflow.Runtime.Configuration.WorkflowRuntimeServiceElement
> System.Workflow.Runtime.Configuration.WorkflowRuntimeServiceElementCollection
> Made against olive 10/21/06.
> To implement, I also needed the changes in 
> NameValueConfigurationCollection.Properties.v1.diff
> This implements a previously unimplemented method. I believe what I did 
> to NameValueConfigurationCollection is correct, but would appreciate 
> feedback/confirmation.
> Also, can anyone tell me how to feed test .config data to nunit? All I 
> do currently in the patch is test the defaults. thanks in advance!

Hi Joel,

In WF namespace you do not need to include the "if NET_2_0" conditionals
since this is handled at build level.

A part of that it looks ok to me. If you send me the patch with that
correction I commit it myself.

Thanks Joel


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