Michael Schurter escribió:
> Steve Deobald wrote:
>> It's also Windows-only and uses a proprietary RAR plugin, as far as I know.
> 7-zip is very much cross-platform compatible.  NSIS uses it (and it 
> works in Linux), and Debian even has packages for it in Etch.

Well that's p7zip[1] not 7-zip :)

> 7z, as well as a number of other open source tools, can decompress RAR 
> archives.  I believe there are patents or some such nonsense preventing 
> open source RAR implementations.

7z has it's own 7z format [2] which is open and performs much better 
than zip (today's mono-1.2.20061113.zip is 31MB while with 7z default 
options it's only 13MB).

Though it's not probably the best format (neither is rar) for this task 
as p7zip may not be widespread enough.

[1] - http://p7zip.sourceforge.net/
[2] - http://7-zip.org/7z.html

Angel Marin

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