Joe, after carefully following your tutorial I able to do it. It wasn't
that hard. =)

What I have to say, though, is that we should have a kind of tutorial like
yours in the mono-project website. In mono-project.com you can find
information about installing mono, xsp and mod_mono, but I couldn't find a
quickstart page describing the whole process, such as your tutorial. Since I
couldn't find such a page in mono's website, I had to search for it, which
took me many hours, mainly because the information available on the web is
somewhat confusing and inconsistent. That's my personal opinion.

They actually link to my tutorial form here:
I  agree its not the easiest to find things on the mono project site, the
search works pretty good but I often wish there was a site map or menu that
listed all the pages in the site.


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