On Wed, 3 Jan 2007 13:14:13 -0800, "Konstantin Triger"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> scribbled:

> RE: [Mono-dev] ASP.NET ObjectDataSource problem
> Hello Marek,
> Can you explain better your fix? According to MSDN's
> ObjectDataSource.TypeName:
> Therefore, the value of the TypeName property can be a partially
> qualified type for code that is located in the Bin or App_Code
> directories or a fully qualified type name for code that is
> registered in the global assembly cache. If you use the global
> assembly cache, you must add the appropriate reference to the
> assemblies section of the Machine.config or Web.config file.
> So for the App_Code and GAC located types the Type.GetType() will do
> and for Bin located types the code looking into the BinPath will find
> them. What is the case when we need BuildManager.TopLevelAssemblies?
Type.GetType() does not look in all the loaded assemblies if the type
name is unqualified (see
http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/w3f99sx1.aspx). Unqualified
type names are sought only in the currently executing assembly and
Mscorlib. That's why it is necessary to explicitly seek for unqualified
types in both the bin and the top-level assemblies. App_Code dll is
indeed loaded up by the time objectdatasourceview is used.



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