I recently hit an issue with Mono not being able to find my .config
files. My application was developed using .NET so this is a
discrepancy between Mono and .NET. AFAIK this behavior isn't
documented anywhere.

AppDomainSetup setup = new AppDomainSetup();
setup.ApplicationBase = "app_base";
setup.ConfigurationFile = "blar.config";

.NET would look for the .config file at 'app_base\blar.config'. Mono
looks for the .config file in the current directory. If the
ApplicationBase isn't specified in .NET a MemberAccessException is
thrown when the ConfigurationFile property is accessed (assuming it
isn't an absolute path).

I've attached patches for unit tests and a "fix" for this. This is my
first patch so please let me know if I'm doing it right.

Thanks, Jamie.


Attachment: ConfigRelativeToAppBase.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: ConfigRelativeToAppBaseTests.patch
Description: Binary data

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