Great news since my host has FastCGI enabled.
I am not expecting an ETA and am grateful you're working on it.
I'll be a guinea pig when the time comes. :-)

Robert Jordan wrote:
Philippe Monnet wrote:
I recently read with interest Brian Nickel's project during the Google Summer Of 
Code on FastCGI (see and 
Especially since I am operating in a shared host with Apache 1.3. As such I 
cannot compile/install mod_mono into Apache (no access to headers / modules, 
etc.). Access to httpd.conf is not provided either, just .htaccess support. So 
mod_mono is out of reach for me.

As is fastcgi in this case, unless it's already enabled by your

Is anyone on the core team looking to port / adapt some of his work? Or provide 
any other mechanism outside Apache modules?
Are other users in the same situation too?

I'm working on the integration of fastcgi-mono-server in Mono's build
process, but I cannot give you an ETA for its landing other than
"this month".


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