Hi, Atsushi.

A few clarifications:
 * The milestones indeed come from olive/status/status.txt and then some
of our own. We will develop this ection further next week.
 * XML Serialization - meaning using System.Xml.Serialization
serializaer (supporting the XmlSerializerFormat attribute.
 * We tried to use NetTcpBinding but it didn't work for us. I can see
that the code is so it's probably a small blocking issue. It'll be great
if you can check that.
 * Using 'we' to mean Grasshopper is what happens when you consolidate
several statuses into one place :-) We will clarify that part and
clarify the Grassshopper specific issues.
 * As for the security status - this is actually from the
olive/status/status.txt where we translated 'done' into supported. It'll
actually be great if you could give better status on this since we still
were not able to check any of this.


-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Atsushi Eno
Sent: 28 March 2008 08:06
To: Miguel de Icaza; Noam Lampert
Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; mono-devel-list@lists.ximian.com
Subject: Re: [Mono-dev] WCF and Mono


For "milestones", we might want to rethink about it. The original plan 
was to achieve infocard capability,
which is based on WS-Security and several security stack. Cardspace 
design is still nice, but looks like
the security stack is not in our short milestone at least in Mainsoft 
and I sort of agree to their plan.
Actually it is almost copy of my old olive/status/status.txt, so they 
had better overwrite it with their own :)

Below are mostly for Mainsoft guys --

Instead of "Core Compare" section, we could just put a link to the 
latest olive build status such as
(I think there should be a convenient direct link to the class status 
page for the latest build; I'll ask Wade
if it is possible).

And the statistics miss other assemblies than System.ServiceModel.dll. 
As above, I wouldn't
recommend adding them on our static wiki page though...

The detailed analysis of the implementation status is *great*, 
especially on what we don't have today :-)
There still seem some points that need correction, and some misleading 
lines I think:

>       Serialization
>     * XML Serialization - not supported
I'm not sure what this "XML Serialization" means; is there anything else

than [Net]DataContractSerializer?

>       Bindings
>     * wsHttpBinding not supported. The only working binding is
>       basicHttpBinding.
How about TcpTransportBinding? (It is somewhat improved and should be 
sort of working now.)

>       Proxy Generator
> This generator is a runtime generator for creating the proxy type. 
> Mono has an implementation that uses CodDom, which we can't use. Our 
> solution is probably will be based on Java Dynamic Proxies.
Are you talking about ClientProxyGenerator? AFAIR Mono.CodeGeneration is

not based on CodeDom.

(And yes, using "we" as Mainsoft on mono-project wiki is not appropriate

>         SecurityBindingElement
> Binding Element
> Description
> Mono Status
> Relevant to GH
> AsymmetricSecurityBindingElement
> Supports public key encryption
> Implemented
> SymmetricSecurityBindingElement
> Supports shared key encryption
> Implemented
> TransportSecurityBindingElement
> Base class of security elements
> Implemented
I'm not sure what you means by "Implemented" here - they are WS-Security

stuff that involves several
missing WS-* functionality.

That's all so far. Thanks for the nice status page :-)

Atsushi Eno

Miguel de Icaza wrote:
> Hello folks,
>     With Mono 2.0 approaching, it is time to start looking at new 
> areas in which Mono will expand.
>     Noam at Mainsoft has updated the web page for the WCF project in 
> Mono with the information that they had put together at Mainsoft and 
> some of the information that was available as a status report inside 
> our "olive" module.  
>     If you are interested in WCF, please take a look at our WCF page 
> for details on milestones, goals, tasks and ways in which you can 
> contribute:
>         http://www.mono-project.com/WCF
> Miguel
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