Re-sent without input file.
Please test the patch and tell me if it is ok to apply. Does not seem to
break anything for me, but did not test very extensively.
You can get the input file from


> While trying to optimize the k-nucleotide benchmark from Computer
> Language Shootout (or whatever) I stumbled across a corner case in
> Dictionary.
> Situation is: We are behaving different from MS.Net and current Mono
> behavior is somewhat illogical. But the case itself is surely outside
> of the spec ;) We are changing the indexer itself in the indexer (base
> problem, concrete is a bit more complex).
> Anyways this could be patched (it's slightly faster, too).
> Happy Hacking
> P.S. Am attaching the benchmark application and the input for it (< at
> console)
> P.P.S. I AM aware that doing stuff this way is asking for trouble ;)

Attachment: Dictionary.patch
Description: Binary data

/* The Computer Benchmarks Game
 * contributed by Isaac Gouy
 * modified by Antti Lankila for generics
 * modified by A.Nahr for performance and throwing unneccesary stuff out

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

public class program
        public static void Main (string[] args)
                string line;
                StreamReader source = new StreamReader 
(Console.OpenStandardInput ());
                StringBuilder input = new StringBuilder (10240);

                while ((line = source.ReadLine ()) != null)
                        if (line[0] == '>' && line.Substring (1, 5) == "THREE")

                while ((line = source.ReadLine ()) != null)
                        char c = line[0];
                        if (c == '>')
                        if (c != ';')
                                input.Append (line);

                KNucleotide kn = new KNucleotide (input.ToString 
().ToUpperInvariant ());
                input = null;
                kn.WriteFrequencies (1);
                kn.WriteFrequencies (2);

                kn.WriteCount ("GGT");
                kn.WriteCount ("GGTA");
                kn.WriteCount ("GGTATT");
                kn.WriteCount ("GGTATTTTAATT");
                kn.WriteCount ("GGTATTTTAATTTATAGT");

public class KNucleotide
        private Dictionary<string, int> frequencies = new Dictionary<string, 
int> ();
        private string sequence;

        public KNucleotide (string s)
                sequence = s;

        public void WriteFrequencies (int nucleotideLength)
                GenerateFrequencies (nucleotideLength);

                List<KeyValuePair<string, int>> items = new 
List<KeyValuePair<string, int>> (frequencies);
                items.Sort (SortByFrequencyAndCode);

                int sum = sequence.Length - nucleotideLength + 1;
                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, int> each in items)
                        double percent = each.Value * 100.0 / sum;
                        Console.WriteLine ("{0} {1:f3}", each.Key, percent);
                Console.WriteLine ();

        public void WriteCount (string nucleotideFragment)
                GenerateFrequencies (nucleotideFragment.Length);

                int count = 0;
                if (frequencies.ContainsKey (nucleotideFragment))
                        count = frequencies[nucleotideFragment];
                Console.WriteLine ("{0}\t{1}", count, nucleotideFragment);

        private void GenerateFrequencies (int length)
                frequencies.Clear ();
                for (int frame = 0; frame < length; frame++)
                        KFrequency (frame, length);

        private unsafe void KFrequency (int readingFrame, int k)
                String knucleo = pre[k];
                fixed (char* target = knucleo, source = sequence)
                        int n = sequence.Length - k + 1;

                        for (int i = readingFrame; i < n; i += k)
                                for (int j = 0; j < k; j++)
                                        target[j] = source[i + j];

                                int value;
                                bool isOld = frequencies.TryGetValue (knucleo, 
out value);
                                if (isOld)
                                        frequencies[knucleo] = value + 1;
                                        frequencies[new String (target, 0, k)] 
= 1;

        private String[] pre = {
        "", ".", "..", "...", "....", "", "......", "", "", "", "", "", 
"............", "", "", "", "", "", ".................."};

        int SortByFrequencyAndCode (KeyValuePair<string, int> item1, 
KeyValuePair<string, int> item2)
                int comparison = item2.Value.CompareTo (item1.Value);
                if (comparison == 0) return item1.Key.CompareTo (item2.Key);
                else return comparison;
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