
> Any plans for the BitRock based installer? This one supports all distros 
> and is good enough, easy enough, and will make most of the people happy.

We are abandoning the BitRock installer because Mono installations ended
up broken many times.   This had two unfortunate side effects, we spent
a lot of our time tracking down bugs, just to find out that they were
users using the installer and had broken systems, or Mono was not
properly configured for their system.

We basically do not have the resources to support every possible
configuration, and would rather have users get packages properly
packaged by their distributions (See the Mono Packagers List for details
on how we are working now with Downstream to make sure Mono reaches

The other issue was just that people had poor experiences with Mono.
And yes, the installer worked on a handful of systems, and worked most
of the time.   The problem is the *other* times, the corner cases and
the corner operating systems.


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