
    A week ago, i tried to upgrade my mono server from 1.2.6 to the new
2.0 mono version. Bad idea...
We use a custom CMS written in C#, it use to work well with 1.2.6

We had test mono 2.0 on our beta platform since a month and we had no
big problems... But on production servers, the environnment is often
different (multi-processor systems, much more users...). I was confident
with mono 2.0 as it was supposed to be well tested by novell...

The upgrade was really a pain, because we have found at least two bugs
in mono :


These bugs prevent our CMS app to run correctly on mono... In addition
to these bugs we experienced a big memory leak with our mod-mono-server
(it use to take ~60Mb (RSS) with mono 1.2.6, with mono 2.0 it was
growing up to 3Go). So this week end we had some "out of memory"
In addition to this memory leak, the website was slowing down... When i
start the mod-mono-server process, the web site speed is good
(~900ms/req) and it was 
getting worse and worse as time... (15s/req) 

This morning i downgrade to 1.9.1 in hope that it would solve my
problems... it solves the two first bugs problems (#433908, #434305);
but not my memory leak problem

So the last thing to do was to revert to the good one 1.2.6... and my
speed and memory problems went away!!!
I hope we could upgrade to mono 2.0 when it becomes more stable! I'm
ready to help mono guys to trac these problems.

best wishes

PS: we already run 1.9.1 on our intranet without any memory leaks
problems, but we don't use our CMS
PS : we run in a load balancing environnement, i've downgraded on only
one server... and keep the other one offline in mono 2.0 to do some


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