Marek Habersack wrote:
> On Thu, 23 Oct 2008 01:44:25 +0900
> Atsushi Eno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hey Marek,
>> Marek Habersack wrote:
>>> On Wed, 22 Oct 2008 13:47:46 +0900
>>> Atsushi Eno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> Hi grendel,
>>> Hey Atsushi,
>>>> How does this break 2.0 apps? They do not exist in .NET, but
>>>> they do in our 2.0 profile (lib/mono/2.0).
>>> If you have an application which uses System.Web.Extensions 1.0, it will 
>>> break.
>>> The Telerik controls (for 2.0), for instance, failed to compile because the
>>> compiler complained about duplicate symbols in the assemblies. .NET leaves 
>>> the
>>> assemblies out for the same reason - to support legacy 2.0 apps painlessly. 
>>> If
>>> you want to make it easier to reference 3.5 libraries in a project, I'd
>>> recommend adding a .NET 3.5 rule to mconfig (in the similar fashion AJAX is
>>> added). See mcs/tools/mconfig/data/config.xml and
>> Oh, right. Actually I found an <assemblies> section in my sample
>> DynamicData application (that I sent you before). So it must be
>> included in every web app instead of having those references in
>> our global web.config.
> yeah, and modifying mconfig to ease adding that info would be a good thing. 
> Do you
> think you could do that?

Sure, but let me dig in the culprit why my DynamicData sample does
not build. mconfig should not be required to replace built-in web.config
in the app.

>> Then there should be different problem in our build manager that
>> blocks compiling DynamicData sites. Maybe it is insufficient support
>> for <pages>/<controls> (there is a configuration element which is
>> "<add tagPrefix="asp" namespace="System.Web.DynamicData ...>" in
>> web.config).
> We support that.

Okay, then something unknown ;) does not work correctly.

Atsushi Eno
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