Another limitation brought by this migration is that to see meaningful
TestResult-*.log you will have to install xsltproc (in general in
libxslt) as nunit-console itself does not output test failure summaries
to console output anymore and we sort of needed xslt output.

It is not required unless you run tests. And if you run tests it will
be anyways needed to see meaningful logs.

Atsushi Eno

Atsushi Eno wrote:
> Hello,
> As some of you may have noticed, I have upgraded our local use of nunit
> from 2.2.0 to 2.4.8. It involved some changes in our test run, but
> should be invisble to most of you.
> The build has been broken for a while (am sorry for that; it was a set
> of make dist / packaging mess), and now we have a couple of test
> failures. So before Marc dives into the hell list of unknown bugs to
> him, I wanted to give some survey on them:
> - some JIT stuff: test-verifier, test-System_Web-2.0
> - mere build failure: test-System_Data-2.0
> - some floating point failures: test-corlib-*, test-System_Drawing-*,
>   test-System_Data-1.0, test-System_Runtime_SFS-*
> - possible NUnit run changes: test-corlib-2.0
>   (MonoTests.System.Threading.ExecutionContextTest.Copy_FromThread),
>   test-System_Runtime_Remoting-*
> - possibly gdiplus: test-System_Drawing-*, test-Windows_Forms-2.0
>   (MonoTests.System.Drawing.PenTest.DashCap_Valid)
> - some changes: test-Mono_Data_Sqlite-*,
>   test-Mono_Data_SqliteClient*
> The only pattern I am concerned is the one with (possible) NUnit run
> changes. NUnit 2.4.8 now requires -noshadow to get our tests run fine.
> This also happens under .NET (i.e. make run-test-ondotnet) even without
> -noshadow, so I am rather afraid that NUnit 2.4.8 unlike 2.2.0 cannot
> handle it.
> I'd like to hear inputs on what could be done to fix this issue.
> Atsushi Eno
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