
  Attached a smaller testcase which exhibits the second kind of hang.


On Sat, Feb 7, 2009 at 8:45 PM, Zoltan Varga <var...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi People,
>   So these tests are still hanging, especially on the net 1.1 profile.
> What seems to happen is this:
> - HtttpClientTransportSink.AsyncProcessMessage () is called, which
> starts an async web request.
> - either no response is received from HttpWebRequest, ie.
> AsyncProcessResponseCallback is never called. This happens often,
>  but not every time.
> - or, AsyncProcessResponseCallback is called, which calls
> request.EndGetResponse (ar); which throws an exception on the net
>  1.1 profile, which is rethrown by this code:
>                                if (httpResponse == null || 
> httpResponse.StatusCode !=
> HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError) {
>                                        throw;
>                                }
>  now this happens on a threadpool thread, so nobody handles the
> exception, the thread is aborted, thus the client never receives
>  a response, so it hangs.
> To repro:
> in System.Runtime.Remoting, run make check FIXTURE=Remoting.HttpAsyncCallTest
>                Zoltan
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Collections;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Runtime.Remoting;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Tcp;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Http;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

public class Tests
	public static void Main (String[] args) {
		var o = new BaseCallTest ();
		o.Run ();
		o.TestInterfaceProcessContextData ();
	public class BaseCallTest
		IChannelSender chs;
		string[] remoteUris;
		CallsDomainServer server;
		int remoteDomId;

		public void Run()
			remoteDomId = CreateServer ();

		public void End ()
			ShutdownServer ();

		public static AppDomain CreateDomain (string friendlyName)
			// return AppDomain.CreateDomain (friendlyName);
			return AppDomain.CreateDomain (friendlyName, null, Directory.GetCurrentDirectory (), ".", false);

		AppDomain domain;

		protected virtual int CreateServer ()
			ChannelManager cm = CreateChannelManager ();
			chs = cm.CreateClientChannel ();
			ChannelServices.RegisterChannel (chs);

			Console.WriteLine (this.GetType ());
			domain = BaseCallTest.CreateDomain ("testdomain");
			server = (CallsDomainServer) domain.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap(GetType().Assembly.FullName,"CallsDomainServer");
			Console.WriteLine ("D");
			remoteUris = server.Start (cm);
			Console.WriteLine ("D2");
			return server.GetDomId ();
		protected virtual void ShutdownServer ()
			if (server != null) {
				server.Stop ();
				if (chs != null)
					ChannelServices.UnregisterChannel (chs);

		public virtual ChannelManager CreateChannelManager ()
			return new HttpChannelManager ();

		public void TestInterfaceProcessContextData ()
			for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
				CallContext.FreeNamedDataSlot ("clientData");
				CallContext.FreeNamedDataSlot ("serverData");
				CallContext.FreeNamedDataSlot ("mustNotPass");
				ContextData cdata = new ContextData ();
				CallContext.FreeNamedDataSlot ("clientData");
				CallContext.FreeNamedDataSlot ("serverData");
				cdata = new ContextData ();
				cdata.data = "hi from client";
				cdata.id = 1123;
				cdata.testStep = 2;
				CallContext.SetData ("clientData", cdata);
				string mdata;

				try {
					Console.WriteLine ("1");

				    var RemoteObject = (IRemoteObject) Activator.GetObject (typeof(IRemoteObject), remoteUris[2]);

					DelegateProcessContextData de = new DelegateProcessContextData (RemoteObject.ProcessContextData);
					IAsyncResult ar = de.BeginInvoke (null,null);
					BaseCallTest.DoWork ();
					de.EndInvoke (ar);
				} catch (Exception ex) {
					Console.WriteLine ("2");
					if (ex.InnerException != null)
						ex = ex.InnerException;
					if (ex.Message != "exception from server")
				cdata = CallContext.GetData ("clientData") as ContextData;
				mdata = CallContext.GetData ("mustNotPass") as string;

		public static void DoWork ()
			for (int n=0; n<10; n++)
				Thread.Sleep (1);

	// The server running in the remote domain

	class CallsDomainServer: MarshalByRefObject
		IChannelReceiver ch;

		public string[] Start(ChannelManager cm)
			Console.WriteLine ("BOO!");
				ch = cm.CreateServerChannel ();
				ChannelServices.RegisterChannel ((IChannel)ch);
				RemotingConfiguration.RegisterWellKnownServiceType (typeof (RemoteObject), "test1", WellKnownObjectMode.SingleCall);
				RemotingConfiguration.RegisterWellKnownServiceType (typeof (RemoteObject), "test2", WellKnownObjectMode.SingleCall);
				RemotingConfiguration.RegisterWellKnownServiceType (typeof (RemoteObject), "test3", WellKnownObjectMode.SingleCall);
				string[] uris = new string[3];
				uris[0] = ch.GetUrlsForUri ("test1")[0];
				uris[1] = ch.GetUrlsForUri ("test2")[0];
				uris[2] = ch.GetUrlsForUri ("test3")[0];
				return uris;
			catch (Exception ex)
				Console.WriteLine (ex.ToString());

		public void Stop ()
			if (ch != null)
				ChannelServices.UnregisterChannel (ch);

		public int GetDomId ()
			return Thread.GetDomainID();
	public class ContextData : ILogicalThreadAffinative
		public string data;
		public int id;
		public int testStep;

	public abstract class ChannelManager
		public abstract IChannelSender CreateClientChannel ();
		public abstract IChannelReceiver CreateServerChannel ();

	// Test interface
	public interface IRemoteObject
		void ProcessContextData ();

	public abstract class InterfaceSurrogate : IRemoteObject
		public IRemoteObject RemoteObject;
		public abstract void ProcessContextData ();

	// Test abstract base class

	public abstract class AbstractRemoteObject : MarshalByRefObject
		public abstract void ProcessContextData ();

	// Test class
	public class RemoteObject : AbstractRemoteObject, IRemoteObject
		public override void ProcessContextData ()
			Console.WriteLine ("HIT!");
			try {
				string mdata = CallContext.GetData ("mustNotPass") as string;
				if (mdata != null)
					throw new Exception ("mustNotPass is not null");
				ContextData cdata = CallContext.GetData ("clientData") as ContextData;
				if (cdata == null) 
					throw new Exception ("server: clientData is null");
				if (cdata.data != "hi from client" || cdata.id != 1123)
					throw new Exception ("server: clientData is not valid");
				if (cdata.testStep == 2)
					throw new Exception ("exception from server2");

				if (cdata.testStep != 1)
					throw new Exception ("invalid test step");
				cdata = new ContextData ();
				cdata.data = "hi from server";
				cdata.id = 3211;
				CallContext.SetData ("serverData", cdata);
			} catch (Exception ex) {
				Console.WriteLine (ex);

	public delegate void DelegateProcessContextData ();

	public class HttpChannelManager : ChannelManager
		public override IChannelSender CreateClientChannel ()
			Hashtable options = new Hashtable ();
			options ["timeout"] = 10000; // 10s
			return new HttpClientChannel (options, null);

		public override IChannelReceiver CreateServerChannel ()
			return new HttpChannel (0);
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