Novell bugzilla is too buggy to let me post my comments so I write
here instead:

It's not a fix but just a workaround, as it skips further syntax checks 
such as:
/// <seealso cref="List{*}" />
.. and optionally worse, error generation in the output xml such as
<seealso cref="!:List&lt;*&gt;"/>

Atsushi Eno

Eberhard Beilharz wrote:
> gmcs gives warning CS1584 if you have an XML comment referencing a 
> generic type like cref="Bla<T>" or cref="Bla{T}". Those two variants 
> work with Microsoft's csc. The only variant that makes gmcs happy is 
> cref="T:Bla`1" which gives a warning with Microsoft's csc (it used to be 
> the way to do it with older versions of csc).
> Would someone please review and commit my patch attached to bug #480862 
> (<>) which treats 
> Bla<T> and Bla{T} as being equal to T:Bla`1 in a cref.
> Thanks,
>     Eberhard Beilharz
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