
I recently found very annoying thing about mono compiler. Let's say that we 
have the following file structure


Where X.dll depends on Y.dll
Now I try to compile project Z which references X.dll and Y.dll. While 
compiling, gmcs throws error that the assembly referenced from X.dll: Y.dll,... 
could not be loaded because it was neither found in GAC nor in the lib/X/ 
directory. One may think: "Hey why the hell you don't put those libs in GAC" - 
the problem is that sometimes I can't due to the permission restrictions. The 
option of putting all libs together is... well it creates a lot of mess. VS 
compiler somehow manages to resolve those dependencies (looking in other 
directories or doing checks after everything was put in single location during 
compilation maybe?) and doesn't throw any error and compiles solution just 
fine. Currently I'm using a rather nasty workaround: in lib/X/X.dll i put a 
symlink to Y.dll but again this creates a lot of mess. Is there anyway this 
behavior can be bypassed (via some env variable)?.

Best regards,
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