Hi again,

It should be now fixed in trunk.

Atsushi Eno

Atsushi Eno wrote:
> I'll have a look. However since 4 years have passed since I wrote it,
> I'll have to revisit the spec and will take not a little time.
> Atsushi Eno
> Tom Philpot wrote:
>> The following program throws an UnhandledException when trying to 
>> normalize a series of greek characters. I’ve tested this with Mono 2.4.7 
>> and the latest code from SVN as of about 1 week ago.
>> The same program works fine under Visual Studio.
>> I’m new to Unicode, but I thought I’d put this out there to see if 
>> anyone had a quick fix.
>> using System;
>> using System.Text;
>> namespace NormalizationTest
>> {
>>     class Program
>>     {
>>         static void Main(string[] args)
>>         {
>>             byte[] utf8Bytes = new byte[] {0xCE, 0xB1, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xCD, 
>> 0x85};
>>             string strToNormalize = 
>> System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(utf8Bytes);
>>             Console.WriteLine("Converted from Hex: {0}", strToNormalize);
>>             Console.WriteLine("Composed Normalized String: 
>> IsNormalized(NormalizationForm.FormC)  = {0}", 
>> strToNormalize.IsNormalized(NormalizationForm.FormC));
>>             Console.WriteLine("{0}", 
>> strToNormalize.Normalize(NormalizationForm.FormC));
>>         }
>>     }
>> }
>> ---- Output ---
>> WS1048:Debug tom.philpot$ /opt/mono/bin/gmcs NormTest.cs 
>> /out:NormTest.exe && /opt/mono/bin/mono --debug NormTest.exe
>> Converted from Hex: ᾀ
>> Composed Normalized String: IsNormalized(NormalizationForm.FormC)  = False
>> Unhandled Exception: System.SystemException: Internal error: should not 
>> happen.
>>   at Mono.Globalization.Unicode.Normalization.Combine 
>> (System.Text.StringBuilder sb, Int32 start, Int32 checkType) [0x00198] 
>> in 
>> /Users/tom.philpot/External/mono-project/mcs/class/corlib/Mono.Globalization.Unicode/Normalization.cs:206
>>   at Mono.Globalization.Unicode.Normalization.Combine (System.String 
>> source, Int32 start, Int32 checkType) [0x0003c] in 
>> /Users/tom.philpot/External/mono-project/mcs/class/corlib/Mono.Globalization.Unicode/Normalization.cs:135
>>   at Mono.Globalization.Unicode.Normalization.Compose (System.String 
>> source, Int32 checkType) [0x00011] in 
>> /Users/tom.philpot/External/mono-project/mcs/class/corlib/Mono.Globalization.Unicode/Normalization.cs:121
>>   at Mono.Globalization.Unicode.Normalization.Normalize (System.String 
>> source, Int32 type) [0x00015] in 
>> /Users/tom.philpot/External/mono-project/mcs/class/corlib/Mono.Globalization.Unicode/Normalization.cs:392
>>   at System.String.Normalize (NormalizationForm normalizationForm) 
>> [0x00023] in 
>> /Users/tom.philpot/External/mono-project/mcs/class/corlib/System/String.cs:1442
>>   at NormalizationTest.Program.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00000]
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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