This compiled fine for me using

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace Test
   public enum Enum

   class CompilerTest

      public static void Main(string[] s) {

      protected static int DoSomething<T>(string s, T t, ref T t2)
         Console.WriteLine("s={0}", s);
         Console.WriteLine("t={0}", t.ToString());
         Console.WriteLine("t2={0}", t2.ToString());

         t2 = default(T);

         return 0;

      // .NET 3.5 infers Enum from T, Mono is confused
      public static void ThisDoesNotWork()
         // Nullable does not work
         Enum? e = Enum.One;
         DoSomething("abc", Enum.Two, ref e);

      public static void ThisWorksFine()
         Enum e = Enum.Two;
         DoSomething("abc", Enum.Two, ref e);
         Console.WriteLine("e={0}", e.ToString());

[] On Behalf Of Tom Philpot
Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 12:30 AM
Subject: [Mono-dev] CS0411 error with nullable enum

One more generics error for you all. The following compiles on Windows .NET, 
but Mono seems to have issues. Again, this is compiling against SVN HEAD. I'll 
file a Bugzilla report in the morning.


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace Test
    public enum Enum

    class CompilerTest
        protected static int DoSomething<T>(string s, T t, ref T t2)
            return 0;

        // .NET 3.5 infers Enum from T, Mono is confused
        public static void ThisDoesNotWork()
            // Nullable does not work
            Enum? e = Enum.One;
            DoSomething("abc", Enum.Two, ref e);

        public static void ThisWorksFine()
            Enum e = Enum.One;
            DoSomething("abc", Enum.Two, ref e);

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