
Thank you *very much* for your precious feedbacks!

> 1. Can you provide a source tarball in .tar.gz or .zip format to download?
>   Not everyone wants to check out using some scm tool.
>   Projects like Mono have releases time to time.  Even in
>   the early days, the Monoo Project provided tarball releases you
>   could download so you could try out mono.

I will organize the project sources to obtain concrete tarballs to
distribute (speaking of which: I created a package project in
MonoDevelop to speed up the process, but it throws a non detailed
exception when I try to run it...), in the way you suggested.

> 2. Not only provide source tarball releases, try release binaries
>   sometimes too.

Actually I don't feel comfortable in releasing binary versions of the
system: although the NUnit tests I ran prove the system works for
almost all the process, a small piece at the closure causes a
dead-lock which causes it to never close (like an infinite loop): this
is not what I would like typical users to obtain as result.
One of the reasons of the "early" publication of the project is also
to ask for help (as the title also implies) for fixing this last

> 3. Provide build and installation directions in the source.
>    Or did I miss them somewhere?

You're right that I didn't provide any building instructions anywhere
yet. In fact I included a Makefile for building the library, but I
didn't think about a "wider" public, by providing for example a
MonoDevelop or VisualStudio project file, which would ease a lot the
I will include some directions in the README file most likely.

> 4. Create a console client for your database.

In the past I created a console application for generic access and
querying to databases: I will easily adapt it to the specifics of
DeveelDB, although it will take a while to take back the code and
publish it.

> Are you trying to be compatible with .NET 1.1 ?  Or is this a straight port 
> from Java?

This is far from being a straight port from Java: given the
technologies used I had to rewrite considerable portions of code (not
just a restyling for a better look). I wrote it to be the most
compatible as possible with all the versions of the framework (since
.NET 1.1), but I plan to branch it in the future, for better

> I see you implement interface IDbConnection instead of inheriting from 
> DbConnection.  I also noticed you named your concrete class DbConnection 
> which conflicts with DbConnection in .NET 2.0.  I suggest a different name, 
> such as, DeveelConnection.  Same with DbCommand, DbDataReader, 
> DbTransactions, etc...

The naming style of the classes was chosen before I decided for the
name "DeveelDB": I will probably change it soon not to clash with the
"Common" namespace contents. In fact I don't inherit from DbConnection
etc. to support the widest numbers of framework possible.

Thank you again for your feedback: I hope that I will receive more
from you soon.


On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 8:25 PM, Daniel Morgan <monodanm...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> If you want others to contribute, I have some suggestions:
> 1. Can you provide a source tarball in .tar.gz or .zip format to download?
>   Not everyone wants to check out using some scm tool.
>   Projects like Mono have releases time to time.  Even in
>   the early days, the Monoo Project provided tarball releases you
>   could download so you could try out mono.
> 2. Not only provide source tarball releases, try release binaries
>   sometimes too.
> 3. Provide build and installation directions in the source.
>    Or did I miss them somewhere?
> 4. Create a console client for your database.
> Are you trying to be compatible with .NET 1.1 ?  Or is this a straight port 
> from Java?
> I see you implement interface IDbConnection instead of inheriting from 
> DbConnection.  I also noticed you named your concrete class DbConnection 
> which conflicts with DbConnection in .NET 2.0.  I suggest a different name, 
> such as, DeveelConnection.  Same with DbCommand, DbDataReader, 
> DbTransactions, etc...
> --- On Mon, 10/5/09, Antonello Provenzano <antone...@deveel.com> wrote:
>> From: Antonello Provenzano <antone...@deveel.com>
>> Subject: [Mono-dev] ANN: DeveelDB first release: call for help!
>> To: mono-l...@lists.ximian.com, mono-devel-list@lists.ximian.com
>> Date: Monday, October 5, 2009, 7:44 AM
>> Hi guys!
>> After some time of inactivity, due to the growing
>> responsibilities and
>> duties at my regular job, and the failure of my previous
>> main project
>> (Minosse RDBMS, some of you might remember it...), recently
>> I decided
>> to restart developing.
>> Last day I released the first sources of the project
>> DeveelDB, a fully
>> featured SQL-compliant relational database management
>> system, purely
>> written in C# language for Mono: the aim of the project is
>> slightly
>> different than my previous attempt (Minosse, as I was
>> saying), since
>> this time I'm not focusing on creating an enterprise RDBMS,
>> but
>> instead an embeddable database management system based on
>> SQL model.
>> DeveelDB is the result of a collaboration between me and
>> Tobias
>> Downer, author of "McKoi SQL Database", an ambitious and
>> very well
>> written Java SQL database server: actually, at the present
>> moment,
>> most of the resulting code of DeveelDB is derived by the
>> porting of
>> Mckoi v1.0.3.
>> The result is pretty fine: the code works for 99% with very
>> good
>> performances (which can be optimized by tweaking the fsync
>> operations,
>> SQL parsing and some other bits of code).
>> You can have a look at the first released code at the
>> project page on
>> Google Code: http://code.google.com/p/deveeldb .
>> Unfortunately, at the present moment, there's still a very
>> small
>> portion of the code which doesn't work properly (and when I
>> say
>> "small", I mean 50 lines of code on 110k), which I
>> identified and I'm
>> not able to fix.
>> Because of this reason I would like to invite every
>> developer who
>> would be interested in the project to collaborate with me
>> for the fix
>> of the latest issues on the project and the release of the
>> version 1.0
>> of DeveelDB.
>> Cheers!
>> Antonello
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