
As mentioned on [*1] you won't get NetTcpBinding working unless you are 
using trunk.
Besides, 1) you use reliable session which is not implemented, and 2) 
those timeouts seem too short and I don't think they result in good 
Basically NetTcpBinding is not very stable and it won't be suitable for 
those who cannot dig into its internals.


Atsushi Eno

On 2010/02/24 2:15, Ásgeir Halldórsson wrote:
> Hello,
>                 I have a strange problem with WCF and ServiceHost is 
> seams my server is not listening sometimes (like 50/50).  Has anyone 
> had the same problem,  Also my client hangs on trying to connect and 
> does not throw and error after 5 sec like the config tells it to.  Any 
> comments?
> CODE Server:
> Uri uri = new Uri(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["addr"]);
> host = new ServiceHost(typeof(GlobalService), uri);
> host.Open(); //Returns always
> Config Server:
> <appSettings>
> <add key="addr" value="net.tcp://<private>:22222/globalservice" />
> </appSettings>
> <system.serviceModel>
> <services>
> <service name="com.PageFlipper.GlobalServer.GlobalService" 
> behaviorConfiguration="GlobalServer.GlobalServiceBehavior">
> <endpoint address=""
> binding="netTcpBinding"
> bindingConfiguration="DuplexBinding"
> contract="GlobalServer.IGlobalService">
> </endpoint>
> </service>
> </services>
> <behaviors>
> <serviceBehaviors>
> <behavior name="GlobalServer.GlobalServiceBehavior">
> <serviceThrottling maxConcurrentSessions="10000" />
> </behavior>
> </serviceBehaviors>
> </behaviors>
> <bindings>
> <netTcpBinding>
> <binding name="DuplexBinding" openTimeout="00:00:05" 
> closeTimeout="00:00:05" receiveTimeout="00:10:00" sendTimeout="00:00:05">
> <reliableSession enabled="true" />
> <security mode="None" />
> </binding>
> </netTcpBinding>
> </bindings>
> </system.serviceModel>
> Clinet CODE:
> var client = new Proxy.GlobalServiceClient();
> client.Open(); // Hangs like 50/50 of the time
> Client config
> <system.serviceModel>
> <client>
> <endpoint address="net.tcp://<private>:22222/globalservice"
> binding="netTcpBinding" 
> bindingConfiguration="DefaultBinding_IGlobalService"
> contract="Proxy.IGlobalService" 
> name="DefaultBinding_IGlobalService_IGlobalService" />
> </client>
> <bindings>
> <netTcpBinding>
> <binding name="DefaultBinding_IGlobalService" openTimeout="00:00:05" 
> closeTimeout="00:00:05" receiveTimeout="00:10:00" 
> sendTimeout="00:00:05" >
> <reliableSession enabled="true" />
> <security mode="None" />
> </binding>
> </netTcpBinding>
> </bindings>
> </system.serviceModel>
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