I have a very simple C program that links against mono, heres part of the code :

MonoDomain *domain;
        char *file = "ManagedAssembly.exe";     
        char* exePath = getexedir(); //method that returns the exe directory
        mono_set_dirs (exePath, exePath);       
        mono_config_parse (NULL);       
        domain = mono_jit_init (file);  
        MonoAssembly *assembly;
        assembly = mono_domain_assembly_open (domain, file);
        if (!assembly)
                exit (2);
         * mono_jit_exec() will run the Main() method in the assembly.
         * The return value needs to be looked up from
         * System.Environment.ExitCode.
        mono_jit_exec (domain, assembly, argc, argv);
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