In setting up a new opensuse 11.2 install I installed google chrome and 
installed the preview moonlight
(without even thinking, as I thought moonlight didn't work with normal install 
with chrome),
it worked!!
But on the dr. dobbs
silverlight/moonlight game the sound garbled up. (ran ok for 10 seconds then 
went all freaky).
This was probably do to it running in a vmware instance.
Youtube did the same (had sound issue).

So I installed oss4 as i really prefer it anyways over pulseAudio/alsa.
Youtube now works great, but there is no sound in moonlight.

I also tried the same game in my native host os ubuntu 9.10,  firefox and 
chrome (same test as in opensuse11.2),
and I also have OSS4 as my sound layer there as well. Also no sound in 
moonlight (dobbs game),
but sound work fine for everything else, flash, and wav, etc.(using this set up 
for over a year).

I can dig further, but perhaps someone "in the know" on moonlight, can very 
easily comment on why
sound doesn't work on linux with OSS4. Is it only made to work with alsa/pulse? 
It there a solution?

One of the  really poor things about linux is no good standard sound layer.
I have had set ups were pulseaudio works, other set ups where is pure broken.
I have used alsa standalone, but had little luck with multiplexing sounds.
I know others swear by Jack.
For me OSS4 works perfect. But as I see now, not with moonlight :(
I am thinking, if everything else works fine in browser (through to oss4), why 
not moonlight?

ted leslie <>
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