
You're right. I've tried this simple testing on .NET, and it threw 
ArgumentNullException on
via parameter, so it is expected as non-null.

public void BuildChannelFactoryXXX ()
     var ctx = new BindingContext (new CustomBinding (), empty_params);
     var cf = new HttpTransportBindingElement 
().BuildChannelFactory<IRequestChannel> (ctx);
     Assert.IsTrue (cf is ChannelFactoryBase<IRequestChannel>, "#1");
     cf.Open ();
     cf.CreateChannel (new EndpointAddress ("http://localhost:8080";), null);

A fix should go into svn soon. Thanks.

Atsushi Eno

On 2010/07/06 10:26, Thiago Padilha wrote:
>    Hi,
>    I'm not sure about this, but maybe there's a small bug in the
> 'CreateChannel(EndpointAddress)' method :
> "
> public TChannel CreateChannel (
>                       EndpointAddress remoteAddress)
>               {
>                       return CreateChannel (remoteAddress, null);
>               }
> "
>    The MSDN sample
> http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms751494.aspx makes use of the
> "via" parameter(which I don't understand what it's purpose is)  on the
> "OnCreateChannel" implementation in "UdpOutputChannel" class. Maybe
> the passing "remoteAddress.Uri" instead of null would make it work as
> expected? Here is how it would look :
> "
> public TChannel CreateChannel (
>                       EndpointAddress remoteAddress)
>               {
>                       return CreateChannel (remoteAddress, remoteAddress.Uri);
>               }
> "
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